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The Universes is Mental...


Aktualisiert: 3. März 2024

As we are under a beautiful Pisces Stellium right now, I wanted to further dive into the topic of our own Imagination.

There is nothing more fascinating than the imagination of a child. It is a wild, vivid and innocent gift the children of our world come into this life with. It's a realm where the boundaries of reality blur, and every possibility seems within reach.

As Adults, we tend to smile, while we hear all the beautiful tales, stories and games children invent, thinking to ourselves "gosh how cute are you, in your naivety". And year after year we teach them how they have to let go off their "delusional" mind, of their inner build worlds and stories, of their imaginary friends. None of that is real, and sooner or later they have to start living in reality, don't they?

My imagination as a child was WIIILD. Reading fantasy book after fantasy book, I lived in my own imaginative fairy tale, where I was the hero of the story, riding dragons, winning wars, saving the world.

There is a particularly weird vivid memory I have.

I think I was maybe three or four.

I was standing at the edge of our couch, wanting to fly off it, like I always did. By flying off I mean, jumping off the couch and flying at least two meters to three meters, simply by clapping my arms, like they were wings. In my mind I had done that many times before, always being able to lift my body off the ground for a few meters until gravity kicked in and I landed safely back on my feet.

But on that particular day I remember jumping, clapping my arms and... landing on the ground just after the edge of the couch. I couldn't believe what happened.

Why did I land so quickly? I was absolutely confused that I couldn't keep myself in the air longer, so I tried again. And again it did not work. And I tried again, and again. I honestly don't know how many more times I tried to fly how I used to do it until I realized that I had lost my ability. And then I started to cry.

I always looked back to this memory, laughing at myself, for how wild my mind was when I was a kid, thinking that I could actually fly.

But the older I get and the deeper I start to understand the way our universe works, the more I am starting to think, that maybe, yeah maybe it was not just simply an imagination of my mind. Maybe I actually did have the ability to lift myself off the ground, longer than what we think is possible in this reality - simply because I was absolutely convinced that I can?

And that on that particular day, reality had caught up with my child like imagination, blocking it from creating its own version of what is possible. I had lost my spark. Regardless of this idea being true or not, I want to use this story as an example that our subconscious beliefs shape our reality and that the way we think of what is possible is pretty limited by the beliefs society has taught us.

But what if we dared to challenge these constraints? What if we embraced the potential of our imagination and dare to dream about all the things being true, that we have been taught all our lives, can not be true?

To further explain why I even share this intimate memory of mine I would like to speak about one of the concepts mentioned in the Kybalion. A book of spiritual teachings according to Hermes Trismegistus, written by William Walker Atkinson.

I wanna bring attention to the first principle of the Seven Hermetic Principles. The Principle of Mentalism - "THE ALL is mind, the universe is mental."

The All representing all that exists, therefor god, so to speak. When all in the Universe is mental, does it not mean that all that you perceive is shaped through your mind? Of course, there are many levels to changing the way one perceives reality, starting with gaining control over our subconscious terrain, which is a task that can only be obtained over many lifetimes. But this is what our ancestors spoke about when they spoke of "Magic." The changing of something that exists, into something else.

We used to be Mental Alchemist, living our lives studying the nature of existence and our relationship to the greater whole. Today, humans still study the law of our existence, but over time we have lost the overarching view of the interconnectedness of all that is. Nowadays, there is science, there is art, there is religion and there is spirituality. All of them not seeing how in it's depth they try to make sense of the same thing, and that each of them just represents another perspective of the truth.

The Universe is mental, vast and infinite. And that is what Pisces season is here to remind us.

Everything you see, touch, hear, think and feel is because of how your consciousness perceives and interprets this information. None of it actually exists apart from the electric currents floating through the air, shaping and transforming this information.

In Astrology this shaping is done through the Planet of Saturn. Saturn, ruling karma and time, comes in to hand out a given structure to the individual so that they start to perceive certain boundaries and structures of the reality we live in.

Where Pisces represents the place from where we all come from and where we all will go back to - that is so to speak the endless vastness of the void, out of space and time, where boundaries do not exists - Saturn presses our consciousness into a certain shape so that we can perceive limited time and space, and live life on this planet.

As we are currently under the influence of Saturn in Pisces, these two opposing energies are displaying their dance quite well.

This transit comes in so that we understand how vast reality actually is and that we alone hold the power over our perceived limitations and its structure.

Where do perceived limitations hold you back from reaching your wildest fantasies?

Where does a lack of structure and order hold you back from bringing your dreams into reality?

That is what Saturn in Pisces asks of us. Saturn in Pisces also clearly shows us where we try to escape these given obstacles and boundaries, by falling into escapism or fantasy. Simply by closing our eyes to not see what is right in front of us.

How do you tend to escape your reality? How can you do this more intentionally? Giving it a certain time and place and then actively choosing to land back on the ground?

When it comes to understanding how our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, Dr. Joe Dispenza has layed down astonishing work for humans to follow.

In his book "Becoming Supernatural" he displays beautifully how our bodies, emotions and mind are one unity and how we constantly recreate our past, by wiring the same circuits in our brain. Through mediation, visualization, intentional focus and most importantly dedication, he demonstrates how one can rewire their own brain, by living in the present moment and embodying the emotions of the experiences one would like to attract, actively acting like it is happening in the now - no matter how unrealistic it actually seems in the given moment. After dealing with chronic sickness for many years and no help from doctors or relief through medication, this book came into my life as my saviour. Through readinging this book I understood how I am constantly recreating my past, how my fear of certain symtoms is exactly what creates them in the first place. When I had finished reading this book, I was healthier than ever before.

"Where your attention goes, energy flows" as Joe Dispenza likes to say.

If you walk around imaging being protected in a golden bubble of light, under which no harm can ever come to you - you are able to make the atoms around you form in a way, that exactly this imagination will manifest.

You are protected, and no harm can come to you. (In order for this statment to be true, you of course have to subconsciously belief in the possibility of this event to actually occur. Our subconscious make up 95% of our reality, so simply consciously thinking about something might not do anything at all, if you haven't changed the belief that is blocking it from becoming true, on a deeper level)

If you feel pain in your stomach because you ate something wrong, you can imagine healing energy flowing towards this place, cleansing this area, giving it love and making your cells heal. Immediately your pain will become less - if you're good or trained, it might even be gone. Specifically, the second example has been the one thing on my health journey, which has shifted my chronic symptoms the most.

Not any nutrients or medicine, not a breathing technique or a meditation practice, no - the simple practice of thinking that I heal when I feel pain, has been the one thing that gave me the biggest push towards being healthy. So my dear beautiful reader,

let your imagination go WILD!

What would you do, if you could do anything in the world?

What superpowers would you like to have? Maybe those don't show up exactly how you want them to, but I promise you, something will happen if you think about it again and again.

Build your own world in your mind.

Build utopia for us all.

Build a world in which healing and love are the most important things in our society.

Don't shame yourself into being realistic! Yes only living in your fantasy world, is not going to get you anywhere, sure. But only living in your logical mind won't either.

It always has been a process of learning to holding paradoxes.

Something we have been taught to lose as well. Nothing ever is only black and white.

So, maybe before you go to bed tonight, take a paper and pen, or you phone, and write down a little imagined dream.

Or the next time your head hurts, you feel caged in, you are filled with fear, think how a little child would think. Build your own air castles and fly away on a cloud.

Books I reccomend reading, if you are intrested in understanding this topic deeper:

  • The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy by Three Initates

  • "Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon" by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One" by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot

  • "Reality Transurfing" by Vadim Zeland

  • "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn



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