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The archetype of Virgo


As I contemplated on this beautiful New Moon in Virgo, happening tonight, these words just flowed out of me. Welcome.

One thing that I have found again and again with clients that have prominent Virgo placements (myself included) is deep unconscious intercepted guilt.

That feeling, that deep down, at the bottom of our hearts, something is immensely wrong with us. We are at fault when bad things happen to us. We deserve to suffer. In fact, the subconscious belief of our suffering being justified is one of the main reason why we attract suffering in the first place.

There are many reasons why we have formed this believe, the list is endless, but let's speak about the most obvious: the ancient tale of the garden of Eden and our wrongdoing (specifically those as a woman) being the reason why we needed to leave this place of safety. The first original sin, stamped into our minds.

From the day we have walked this earth, we have done wrong, and we need to make up for it. At least that's what the church wants us to believe.

Carrying long-held guilt, locked away deep within your psyche, is one reason I believe people are born with Virgo placements. It’s the soul's way of saying ‚Look you’ve been carrying this guilt around with you for such a long time, how about we put in the work for yourself to purify? How about learning how to let go of that weight and make your main focus in life your own self betterment?‘

The dance between purity and forgiveness of our sins can be found in the axis of Virgo and Pisces. Virgo thinks, that if only she puts in enough work, improves herself enough, does what she is told - she can reach a state of pure holiness. Only then she deserves the forgiveness of god, the ticket back to the garden of Eden.

The thing is just: it was never a mistake that we have left the garden.

The way the world functions is so much more complex, broad, twisted and magical - who are we to think that there are mistakes in the creation of God?

And that inner belief - may it stem from religion or not - lies at the root of Virgo.


A dark, evil entity, slowly spreading through our inner systems.

Whispering into our minds, directing our actions.

It wants us to think that we deserve to suffer, that we deserve to be punished for our impurity. In fact, most of the time, we even end up punishing ourselves for what we think we've done wrong. 

We stop doing what we love, we isolate ourselves, we push those away that we care about the most. Because deep down - we want to suffer.

What do we need to do to stop our internal addiction to suffering?

Let me start by saying, that I don’t want to pride myself as someone who has the answer to such a deep existential question.

I am just another human being trying to figure out the hidden pattern and path in the chaos we call life.

But one truth that I always come back to and find more prominent again and again is, that you yourself know the answer to every question you have ever asked - if you can learn how to listen to your inner truth.

So how can you free yourself from guilt?

Well ask yourself this question. Feel into it. See how your body reacts, what memories come into your mind. Bring awareness to your unconscious dynamics and simply observe what you can see. Stop labeling things as wrong and right. Simply witness your inner landscape and bring awareness and love to it all.

And there, in the silence, you will find the answer you seek.

Not just to this question, but to every question you have ever asked.

„Nothing external can bring an end to your suffering, since it is rooted deep within your DNA. Only when you turn inward and look for the source of your suffering will you finally face the addictive quality of your own mind.“ Quote by Richard Rudd

We as a collective are acting like little children, naive, directionless - too afraid to look at the core of our own being and towards our shadows. Instead, we go hunting for purity and the light, waiting to be told what to do to release our own baggage. This is how we have lived for the past hundred years; it is the Piscean Age shining in disguise.

But as we are moving into the Aquarian age, we are being asked to mature.

We are waking up to the interconnectedness between all. And as we are starting to see how every string is woven into the pattern of the whole tapestry, we see how all our actions influence the whole. And that we, in our hearts, know our true place in this tapestry.

At the bottom of ourselves, we know who we are and what we came here to do - if we would only stop to listen to all the voices outside of us.

I keep coming back to the point of us waking up to our connection to all. But I can't repeat it enough - as long as we keep on believing that we are separate from the reality we perceive, the people we meet and the things that happen to us, the longer we will be stuck in the same kind of karmic spiral.

Lastly, I would like to speak about another thing that we can find both in the archetype of Virgo as well as in the archetype of Pisces. And that is - behind the guilt and pain we feel about our own being - actually lies the innocence of a child.

The purity that we all are born with. 

It has never been touched or tainted. It still lies deep in all of us, shining like a bright white light. It is the remembrance of our own divinity, our original blueprint, of the love of the mother and of the void.

It is so easy for us humans to label things as good and bad and pride us with our opinions. But the truth is that we don't nearly possess enough conscious awareness to truly understand the polarity of good and bad, of right and wrong.

We have tried ever since we can remember to fight this fight, and it is time we surrender to the fact that one thing cannot exist without the other.

And so our innocence coexists with our sin, both perfectly intertwined as one.


1 Comment

Judith Frische
Judith Frische
Feb 11

Uff this text goes straight into my heart. This is exactly how I feel as a virgo sun. My life makes a lot more sense reading this! Thank you. <3

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