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2. Sept. 20245 Min. Lesezeit
The archetype of Virgo
As I contemplated on this beautiful New Moon in Virgo, happening tonight, these words just flowed out of me. Welcome. One thing that I...
24 Ansichten
1 Kommentar

1. März 20247 Min. Lesezeit
The Universes is Mental...
As we are under a beautiful Pisces Stellium right now, I wanted to further dive into the topic of our own Imagination. There is nothing...
5 Ansichten
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1. Dez. 20235 Min. Lesezeit
The 13th Zodiac sign
Let me introduce to you: O P H I U C H U S Photo: Getty Images, iStock the mystic of the Zodiac, ruling the sky from November 29 to...
28 Ansichten
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16. Sept. 20234 Min. Lesezeit
᯽ Sidereal Astrology vs. Tropical Astrology ᯽
᯽I thought to myself for a little while: what will be the first astrological topic I want to write here about? And after I stumbled over...
11 Ansichten
0 Kommentare

18. Aug. 20234 Min. Lesezeit
Hello beautiful reader,
how it all began fifteen years ago.
11 Ansichten
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